//standard function that understands only dataform & S_ field names // to call the same cookie for non-standard forms call makecookie1(form_name, elementHash) function function makeCookie() { var newCookie=''; if (document.dataform.S_name) { var usrfname = ((document.dataform.S_name.value) == 'First Name') ? '' : document.dataform.S_name.value; newCookie = "|fn="+usrfname; } if (document.dataform.S_lname) { var usrlname = ((document.dataform.S_lname.value) == 'Last Name') ? '' : document.dataform.S_lname.value; newCookie +="|ln="+usrlname; } if (document.dataform.S_email) { newCookie +="|em="+document.dataform.S_email.value; } if (document.dataform.S_organization) { newCookie +="|co="+document.dataform.S_organization.value; } if (document.dataform.S_country) { newCookie +="|cn="+document.dataform.S_country.value; } if (document.dataform.country) { newCookie +="|iso="+document.dataform.country.value; } if (document.dataform.S_phone_country_code) { newCookie +="|phcc="+document.dataform.S_phone_country_code.value; } if (document.dataform.S_phone_area_code) { var usrphacode = ((document.dataform.S_phone_area_code.value) == 'Area Code') ? '' : document.dataform.S_phone_area_code.value; newCookie +="|phac="+usrphacode; } if (document.dataform.S_phone) { var usrphone = ((document.dataform.S_phone.value) == 'Phone Number') ? '' : document.dataform.S_phone.value; newCookie +="|ph1="+usrphone; } if (document.dataform.S_mobile) { var usrmobile = ((document.dataform.S_mobile.value) == 'Mobile Number' || (document.dataform.S_mobile.value) == 'Mobile / Cell Phone Number') ? '' : document.dataform.S_mobile.value; newCookie +="|mb1="+usrmobile; } if (document.dataform.Website) { newCookie +="|url="+document.dataform.Website.value; } if (document.dataform.S_salute) { newCookie +="|slt="+document.dataform.S_salute.value; } if (document.dataform.S_streetaddress) { newCookie +="|ad="+document.dataform.S_streetaddress.value; } if (document.dataform.S_city) { var usercity = ((document.dataform.S_city.value) == 'City') ? '' : document.dataform.S_city.value; newCookie +="|ct="+usercity; } if (document.dataform.S_state) { var usrstate = ((document.dataform.S_state.value) == 'State') ? '' : document.dataform.S_state.value; newCookie +="|st="+usrstate; } if (document.dataform.S_pin) { var usrpipncode = ((document.dataform.S_pin.value) == 'Postal Code') ? '' : document.dataform.S_pin.value; newCookie +="|zp="+usrpipncode; } newCookie +="|"; return newCookie; } function setGlobalCookie(name, value) { expires = new Date(); expires.setTime (expires.getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 150 * 1000); if (value.length > 0) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value)+ ";"+"expires=" + expires.toGMTString() + ";"; } } function getCookieValues() { if( (cookie = readCookie("ImeshVisitor")) > "") { if( getparamVal(cookie, "slt") != "" ) { var sltVal = getparamVal(cookie, "slt"); sltVal = getparamVal(cookie, "slt").replace(/^[\s]+/,'').replace(/[\s]+$/,'').replace(/[\s]{2,}/,' '); for (var i = document.dataform.S_salute.options.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if ( document.dataform.S_salute.options[i].value == sltVal) { document.dataform.S_salute.value = sltVal; break; } } } if( getparamVal(cookie, "fn") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_name){ document.dataform.S_name.value = getparamVal(cookie, "fn"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "ln") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_lname){ document.dataform.S_lname.value = getparamVal(cookie, "ln"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "em") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_email){ document.dataform.S_email.value = getparamVal(cookie, "em"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "co") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_organization){ document.dataform.S_organization.value = getparamVal(cookie, "co"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "phcc") != "" ) { if(!getparamVal(cookie, "phcc").match(/\+/)) { if(document.dataform.S_phone_country_code){ document.dataform.S_phone_country_code.value = '+' + getparamVal(cookie, "phcc"); } if(document.dataform.S_cmobile){ document.dataform.S_cmobile.value = '+' + getparamVal(cookie, "phcc"); } } else { if(document.dataform.S_phone_country_code){ document.dataform.S_phone_country_code.value = getparamVal(cookie, "phcc"); } if(document.dataform.S_cmobile){ document.dataform.S_cmobile.value = getparamVal(cookie, "phcc"); } } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "phac") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_phone_area_code){ document.dataform.S_phone_area_code.value = getparamVal(cookie, "phac"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "ph1") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_phone){ document.dataform.S_phone.value = getparamVal(cookie, "ph1"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "mb1") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_mobile){ document.dataform.S_mobile.value = getparamVal(cookie, "mb1"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "url") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.Website){ document.dataform.Website.value = getparamVal(cookie, "url"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "cn") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_country){ document.dataform.S_country.value = getparamVal(cookie, "cn"); } } if( getparamVal(cookie, "iso") != "" || getparamVal(cookie, "cnv") != "" ) { var ccode = getparamVal(cookie, "iso") || getparamVal(cookie, "cnv"); for (var i = document.dataform.country.options.length -1; i > -1; i--) { if ( document.dataform.country.options[i].value == ccode) { document.dataform.country.value = ccode; break; } } if(document.dataform.country_iso){ document.dataform.country_iso.value = ccode; } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "ad") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_streetaddress){ document.dataform.S_streetaddress.value = getparamVal(cookie, "ad"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "ct") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_city){ document.dataform.S_city.value = getparamVal(cookie, "ct"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "st") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_state){ document.dataform.S_state.value = getparamVal(cookie, "st"); } } if ( getparamVal(cookie, "zp") != "" ) { if(document.dataform.S_pin){ document.dataform.S_pin.value = getparamVal(cookie, "zp"); } } } return true; } function readCookie(name) { var search = name + "=" if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) // if cookie exists { offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) // set index of beginning of value if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length // set index of end of cookie value return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return ""; } function getparamVal(cookieStr, key) { if( cookieStr > "") { var val = "|"+cookieStr+"|"; var pattern = new RegExp(".*?\\|"+key+"=([^|]*).*|.*"); return val.replace(pattern, "$1"); } else { return ""; } }